Advanced Energy Services

Residential Solar

The benefits of residential solar energy and how Advanced Energy Services can revolutionize your home’s power supply:

Sustainable and Renewable Energy

Proper illumination is crucial for optimizing crop growth and yield. In agricultural settings, solar patio coverings equipped with energy-efficient LED technology can provide the ideal light spectrum for plant development. Whether it’s a vast field of crops or a greenhouse, the right lighting ensures healthy growth and increased harvests.

As the cost of solar technology decreases each year, more Americans are making the switch to solar power

Over a million solar installations exist across the country, demonstrating the growing popularity of residential solar systems1.

Cost Savings and Financial Incentives

One of the primary incentives for going solar is the potential for significant cost savings. Your exact savings depend on factors such as electricity consumption, system size, local sunlight hours, and roof orientation.

 A solar electric system offers an opportunity to reduce monthly utility bills while making a low-risk, long-term investment in your home.

Solar panels are considered upgrades, akin to a renovated kitchen or a finished basement. Installing a solar energy system can boost your home’s value.
Studies indicate that solar homes sell for more than homes without photovoltaic (PV) systems. On average, solar increases a home’s value by about $15,0001.

The solar resource in the United States is immense. Just one hour of noontime summer sun is equivalent to the annual U.S. electricity demand.
Most states have good-to-excellent solar resources. Even regions with relatively low solar availability, such as the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, can benefit from solar energy and achieve cost savings comparable to countries like Germany, which have widely adopted solar PV technology.

Each kilowatt-hour (kWh) of solar energy generated substantially reduces greenhouse gas emissions, including CO₂, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter.
Solar power also reduces water consumption and withdrawal, contributing to a more sustainable environment.

Customized Solutions

Advanced Energy Services conducts a thorough assessment of your energy consumption patterns. They consider factors like roof orientation, shading, and available space.

Based on this analysis, they design a unique solar system that seamlessly integrates with your home’s electrical infrastructure.

By producing clean energy from the sun, you actively contribute to reducing your carbon footprint. Solar power is a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels.

In summary, Advanced Energy Services’s residential solar solutions empower homeowners to embrace clean energy, reduce costs, and play a role in building a sustainable future. Whether you’re looking to save money, increase your home’s value, or minimize environmental impact, residential solar is a smart choice.