Advanced Energy Services

Battery Backup

Advanced Energy Services is committed to providing communities with dependable and sustainable power access through our solar micro/mini grid solutions. These creative solutions are intended to offer clean and inexpensive energy to off-grid or underserved communities, therefore stimulating economic growth, enhancing quality of life, and supporting social advancement. Our solar micro/mini grid systems are adapted to each community’s specific energy needs. We undertake comprehensive analyses of local energy demand, taking into account aspects such as population size, energy consumption habits, and economic activity.

Energy Independence and Reliability

  •   Battery backup systems enhance energy independence by storing excess solar energy generated during sunny periods. When the sun isn’t shining (e.g., at night or during cloudy days), these batteries supply power to critical loads, ensuring a continuous energy supply.
  •   In off-grid or underserved communities, where traditional grid access may be unreliable, battery backup systems act as a reliable safety net. They mitigate the impact of power outages, allowing essential services to function without interruption.

Cost Savings and Grid Interaction

  • Time-of-use (TOU) optimization: Batteries allow homeowners to store excess solar energy during low-demand hours (when electricity rates are cheaper) and use it during peak hours (when rates are higher). This strategy can significantly reduce electricity bills1.
  • Net metering optimization: In areas with low net-metering reimbursements, homeowners can maximize their self-consumption. Instead of selling excess energy back to the grid at a reduced price, they store it for personal use during non-sunny hours.
  • Avoided peak demand charges: Battery backup systems can help avoid peak demand charges imposed by utilities during high-demand periods. By drawing from stored energy, homeowners reduce their reliance on grid power during peak times.

Environmental Impact and Sustainability

  • Reduced carbon footprint: Solar energy is inherently clean, but battery backup systems enhance its sustainability. By storing excess solar energy, homeowners reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and contribute to a greener environment.
  • Promoting clean energy adoption: Solar micro/mini grids empower communities to transition away from fossil fuels. As more households adopt solar energy, the overall environmental impact improves.

Community Empowerment and Economic Growth

  • Stimulating economic activity: Access to reliable energy fosters economic growth. Businesses can operate efficiently, create jobs, and contribute to local economies. Entrepreneurs can establish small-scale enterprises powered by solar energy.

  •  Quality of life improvement: Reliable electricity enhances daily life. It powers lighting, refrigeration, communication devices, and healthcare facilities. Children can study after dark, and families can access information and entertainment

Tailored Solutions for Local Needs

  • Community-specific adaptation: Advanced Energy Services conducts thorough analyses of each community’s energy requirements. Factors such as population size, energy consumption patterns, and economic activities are considered. This personalized approach ensures that solar micro/mini grid systems meet the unique needs of each locality.

In summary, battery backup systems integrated with solar micro/mini grids offer a holistic solution—providing reliable energy, reducing costs, promoting sustainability, and positively impacting communities.